Welcome to the University of Alaska ...2

Welcome to the most advanced schooling available, here at UofA2 we strive to outfit our students with the best, and coldest technology available; and we are the first university to use a number in both our name and initials that makes us pioneers!

Here you will be offered the most advanced in Alaskan teaching ability...Eskimos! Your teachers will make classes fun and amusing as they grunt and click strange messages from their woolly hoods, and not only do we have a unique teaching style here but also we have the only seasonal building substance in the world...ice.Allowing quick repairs and even quicker construction, a fire house and a chisel is all we need to carve an entire new building for the school!
Here at U of A2 we offer a great expanse of extracurricular activities, from baby seal clubbing (Pioneered by another great site heres a link)to hunting pandas and koalas to ice rugby(an inticing sport played on glaciers with sharp spikes of ice). You can find anything and everything to keep you busy during the offseason while the schools kinda melted. Our great staff doubles as personal trainers and can make you lose weight in weeks and keep it off!(click here for details)

Also for all you people that feel unstable and hopeless without somewhere to declare yourself slave to and perform strange knife rituals come to the new College Club- Kaila's Cult
School Pride
The core skills and degrees offered at the University of Alaska 2:
Arctic Survival
Murder 101
Murder 202
Hidin the Body
Mass Murder
Security Clearance
Ice Hockey
Eskimo Stock Market
Ice Fishing
Seal Hunting
Seal Clubbing
Arctic Cuisine