Are you alaskan, or just easily offended and this site really bothers you? If so below are shout outs to some people who helped me get this idea. Go and burn their houses down, my treat!

-The Kaila: Your the number one inspiration for this whole thing, thanks! tell me when the angry eskimos get there! And until then stop savin the world its much more interestin watchin it be destroyed! and you should look into my new therapy technique, its originally denis leary's when someone asks you about a problem tell them Shut the hell up, goodbye PROBLEM SOLVED!

-Matt: Well you were there when I came up with the idea, and you laughed at it so your responsible too.

-Brandon: Your just too cool to spare from the wrath of the "flesh-eaters"(eskimos), no worries though you ll probably scare them away once you say "Alright!!" when they threaten to kill you.

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