Welcome our new Students!

Accepted Students

Scholarships are based on application or interview, and change according to how I feel about you, except the 100% which are indefinite unless you really piss me off

Murry-Not accepted, staff cannot become students(Destined to drink and bounce)
Justin-Accepted and awarded 100% scholarship(Destined for Greatness)
Ian-Accepted and awarded 100% scholarship(Destined to exceed Kramer)
Dana-Accepted and awarded 100% scholarship (Destined to avoid Applications)
Matt-Accepted and awarded a 95% scholarship(Destined to be the coolest Jew around, unless hes grounded)
Notorious Fat-Accepted and awarded a 80% scholarship(destined to eat, and be badass)
Brandon-Accepted and awarded a 50% scholarship(destined to have holes)
The Kaila- Accepted and awarded a 45% scholarship(Destined to have already had a page on here)
Joe-Accepted and awarded a 40% scholarship(destined to look like a hippy)
Alx-Accepted and awarded a 35% scholarship(Destined to be the only beaver on campus)

All accepted students proceed to membership rewards page Only these students are considered worthy, Apply and see what your made of...

People who failed to make the cut or just need to be set straight

Most schools would just forgot you entirely but here we will publicly bash you for wasting my time

Blake Rich- Whoever the hell you are your about to get an earful that was awfulWhat the hell if you had true ROTC then you've already gone to college dumbass, also your probably all talk your probably a fuckin loser who sits at home and plays doom and thinks that makes you badass and violent, I could snap your neck like a twig you little fucker don't disgrace this page with your pathetic shit. You don't even know true pain let alone how to inflict it, if your so badass come and kill me, please just come and beat me to death with your hands because your a cool rotc bitch.I DECIDE IF THE UOFA2 IS RIGHT FOR YOU, you have no authority here. shove off(...small note actually met the guy...your alright blake but I ll still leave the rant.)

Joe- you got inbut not by much cool guy...I mean what the hell you werent in anything before the name. We had one good operation that hardly makes you a hetero lifemate. Speak for yourself not for me..told you that before and I say it again you not we bro.